Every brand is capable of kicking its own ass.

Every brand
is capable of
kicking its own ass.

Ministerie van Creatieve Zaken
Brands are exactly like people. We only look up to those that stand for something. We only listen to the ones that dare to voice a clear opinion. And we only love those that show us some love to begin with. As freelance concept providers, brand strategy designers and creative workshop trainers, we help brands to be the best person they can be. Online, offline and anywhere in between.
Creative Ministers

An art director in advertising by day, a sexual unicorn by night...
Steven walks this world as if it was his own making. He's an acclaimed
logo-doctor, concept provider and all-round graphic designer since 1997
with a critical eye and a steady drawing-hand, which he also uses
to smack Robin in the face.
Steven de Vreese +32 475 430 520
Minister of Art Direction & Creative Affairs

Still wanted by the ninja-clan that raised him, Robin has survived as a copywriter since 1999, armed with only a pen. Painting his words rather than writing them, there's no telling if this guy is a poet... or an idiot. According to clients who have been victim to either his strategic insights or his 'Flawesome' training sessions, he's a bit of both.
Robin Dhondt +32 486 33 32 32
Minister of Copy and Strategic Development.
Valued Partners